The guys we found was Mitter Gasny and he runs an Ayurvedic centre on Jogiwara road. We did 2 hours every morning for the past 7 days as the sun came up. It was ontop of one of the roofs looking directly at the mountains. ... hey. are you there now? what are the current prices for things? I want to see what the price difference is now compared to when I was there in 2006. In rupees how much are things like: Bottle of water. A typical lunch. Average Hotel ...
Andromeda w Heavens Hotel, Charlie's w Jack Tar Village Casino i Crazy Moon w Paradise Beach Resort to popularne dyskoteki w Puerto Plata i Playa Dorada. Oferują mieszaninę merengue, salsy i międzynarodowej muzyki pop. ....Gasnąświatła. Koniec pracy. Wychodzimy. Uderza w nas duszne, ciepłe powietrze. Spoglądam w niebo. Na rozpostartym, czarnym płaszczu nocy błyszczą miliony gwiazd. Takie same, jak w oczach dominikańskich kobiet. Wracamy do hotelu. ...
Nedavno smo na blogu Letter from Gaza raspravljali o antisemitizmu, a na blogu o Sajmistu spominjali gasne komore. Bilo je nekih prozivki tipa "odakle mi to"... Evo, izmedjuostalog, iz gore navedenog intervjua, ..... Fisk u svojoj knjizi The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East (Fourth Estate, London, 2005)), na strani 529, pominje anegdotu (često je pominje i u predavanjima) koja dobro ilustruje tu floskulu o "nerazgovaranju" sa "teroristima". ...